• 2014
    Annual Report

Foreword by the Chairman of the Board

The year 2014 has been a favorable year for the insurance market and even more so for La Positiva Seguros. Our main insurance lines registered a growth above the average of the industry, which is reflected in the increase in equity and profit of the group.

La Positiva Vida Life Annuities rose by 48% with respect to the previous year, thereby making us the Company with the largest growth in said line of the market, contributing to the production of our insurance group in the first place. Another significant result was achieved by the Occupational Life and Disability Insurance (SCTR) that grew by more than 49% in comparison to the previous year.

La Positiva Seguros Generales (Property and Casualty) has experienced the most important development in the automobile insurance market, growing 37% due mainly to the launch of our product Vehicular Pack, designed to allow the customers to hire the covers they require according to their needs.  Furthermore, the Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance (SOAT) grew 16% with respect to the previous year, thereby allowing us to maintain our leadership in time, with a market share of over 52%.

This auspicious panorama of the insurance market was not necessarily accompanied by the good economic performance of the country.  In 2014, the main macroeconomic indicators registered a reduction and stagnation influenced by a yet unfavorable international scenario and the drop in the prices of the main commodities exported by Peru. 

However, our commitment towards the development of Peru remains intact through the offer of insurance policies available to the large majorities, thereby making our presence more extensive throughout the country, through our customer service agencies and insurance promoters who permanently advise the millions of Peruvians who expect to be suitably protected in the event of a loss.

Juan Manuel Peña R.
Chairman of the Board
La Positiva Seguros

Letter to the Shareholders

In compliance with the provisions of the Business Corporations Act and our Bylaws, we hereby present for the information and approval of our Shareholders, the Annual Report for the financial year ended December 31, 2014. This report includes the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement of La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros and of La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros. These documents have been audited by the firm Dongo-Soria Gaveglio y Asociados Sociedad Civil de Responsabilidad Limitada, a member firm of the PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) network.



We at La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros and La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros would like to express our appreciation to our insurance brokers, agents, and promoters for their invaluable assistance; and to our suppliers and reinsurers, for the trust placed in our Company. Likewise, we are grateful for the collaboration of our managers, officers, and employees, for their effort, teamwork, and sense of responsibility and professional excellence. We would especially like to express our sincerest gratitude to our customers, since they are the ones who enabled us to achieve the results submitted in this Annual Report.

Arequipa, March 2015

General Information

  • Group Companies:
    La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros (founded 1937)
    La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros (founded 2005)
    La Positiva Sanitas EPS (founded 2012)
  • Group Trade Name:
    La Positiva Seguros
  • Number of Employees:
    Over 1,600
  • Number of Cities Served:
  • Number of Own Offices:
  • Shareholders' Equity:
    S/. 479 million
  • Net premiums:
    S/. 1,147 million
  • Principal Reinsurers:
    Everest RE
    Hannover RE
    Scor RE
  • Auditors:
  • Risk Rating Agencies:
    Pacific Credit Rating – PCR
    Class & Asociados
  • Risk Rating:
  • Lines in which the Company Operates:
  • Main Office:
    Calle San Francisco 301 - Arequipa
    Lima Office:
    Francisco Masías 370 esq. Javier Prado – San Isidro
    Telephone Exchange:
    (51 1) 211-0000 / (51 1)513-0000
  • Website:

Company Milestones for 2014

We successfully completed the implementation of the first stage of the ERP-SAP System for the automation of processes.
We are the first group of insurers in Peru to have this management tool, with an important investment of more than US$15 million.

New customer-service branch offices were opened in Lima and in the provinces and we are the insurance company with largest number of self-owned branch offices in the country.

The joint net profit rose 101% in 2014 in comparison to 2013,
amounting to S/. 69.05 million.

Economic Environment

During 2014, the Peruvian economy registered positive growth rates with a 2.35% increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) thereby accumulating 16 years of continuous growth.

3.22% was the annual inflation rate, one of the lowest in South America.

The country risk was 182 points, below the average of Latin America which accounted for 508 points.

Investment in concession projects is calculated in US$ 10,551 billion.

Peru's net international reserves are equivalent to 30.5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Public debt is equivalent to 19.7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The Insurance Market in Peru

Net written premiums totaled S/. 10,154 billion.

The insurance sector grew by 12% in 2014, compared to 2013.

The Peruvian insurance market is now nearly 2 times its size in 2009.

51.5% of premiums correspond to property and casualty, accident, and illness insurance .

48.5% of premiums correspond to life insurance.

Group Results

La Positiva Seguros has over 3.5 million insureds.

We rank 4th among insurance groups in Peru.

S/. 1,147 billion in premiums,S/. 479 million in net equity, and over S/. 3,421 billion in assets.

La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros captured a 8.7% market share in life insurance.

La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros reached 13.8% market share in property and casualty.

La Positiva Seguros reached 11.3% market share of the Insurance market share and grew 11.6% as compared to 2013.

Our Business

At La Positiva Seguros, we seek to protect businesses and people from economic losses caused by risks that affect their assets and their lives. For this reason, we work hard to offer a wide variety of insurances, such as: automobile insurance, Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance (SOAT), fire insurance, theft and robbery, fidelity insurance, accident insurance, agricultural insurance, health insurance, including insurance for cancer and serious diseases, , life annuities,  pension insurance, life mortgage insurance, occupational risks and individual life insurance, among others.

Thanks to the wide variety of products that we offer, our service, our network of decentralized offices nationwide, and the solidity and prestige our brand represents in the Peruvian insurance market, more Peruvians trust in us, allowing for sustained, orderly, and reliable growth in the future.

Results of La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros (Property and Casualty)

  • Automobile Insurance
  • Earthquake Insurance
  • Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance (SOAT)
  • Fire and Allied Lines Insurance
  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • Medical Care Insurance
  • Agricultural Insurance
  • Surety Bond and Guarantee Insurance

Results of La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros (Life Insurance)

  • Life Annuity Insurance
  • Occupational Life and Disability Insurance (SCTR)
  • Life Mortgage Insurance
  • Pension Insurance
  • Individual Life Insurance
  • Mandatory Life Insurance


During 2014, we have carried out the following initiatives that have set the bar for activities of the La Positiva Seguros Group whose importance is reflected in the several stakeholders we work with.

  • Successful implementation of the ERP SAP Project (Enterprise Resource Planning System) in its first stage, in strategic partnership with IBM del Perú, as implementer of the ERP, and Ernst & Young, as a consultant. La Positiva Seguros will thus become the first insurance group in the Peruvian market to support its administrative, accounting, and finance system with SAP, a solution used by leading companies throughout the world. The duration of this stage of the project was two years, at a cost of more than US$ 15 million and more than 100 collaborators dedicated exclusively to the development and completion of said project.
  • In terms of product innovation, in 2014 low cost insurance policies were designed with the aim of covering the unattended segments of the population.  To this effect, the new Vehicular Pack was launched, an insurance for automobiles that adapts to the needs of its customers by offering them the opportunity of choosing the coverage they wish to hire.  The Vehicular Pack offer is based on a number of third party liability plans, total loss by theft, total loss by collision and damages by accidents. In addition, the insurance plan offers all of its users free protection against personal accidents for vehicle occupants/passengers.
  • The SME Protection Insurance was also launched, a line aimed at the small and medium enterprises that offers the necessary support to ensure their continuity.  Its plans offer policies that include damages due to casualties to establishments, machinery, equipment and other property.  It also covers the integrity and health of business owners, offering them and their family access to benefits such as home medical treatment, medical advice over the phone and home delivery of medicines, among others.
  • With the aim of reaching out to our customers, we maintain a strategy of decentralization of our operations and services. This year, La Positiva Seguros has ventured into a new type of offices open to the public, located in shopping centers with a large affluence of public,  opening small establishments in several districts of Lima (San Miguel, Santa Anita, Surco, Bellavista and Independencia) and Arequipa (Yanahuara and José Bustamante y Rivero).
  • For the fifth year running, La Positiva Vida was recognized as one of the best places to work, ranked 9th in the category of companies with a work force of between 251 and 1000 employees, according to the organizational environment survey conducted by the Great Place to Work Institute.  In addition, La Positiva Seguros received the ABE Prize to Social Labor Responsibility, in the category of Prize to the Best Benefits Program, from the Association of Good Employers of the American Chamber of Commerce of Peru, thanks to its program Vive Positivo [Live Positive]. These important distinctions evidence our permanent focus on the management of persons and the development of our collaborators, seeking a balance between the professional and personal life. 
  • We ended the year with the approval by the International Financial Corporation (IFC) a member of the World Bank Group, of an investment of US$18 million in favor of La Positiva Seguros, granted through a subordinated convertible loan, aimed at boosting the expansion of the insurance industry in the poorer sectors of the Peruvian population.  This evidences that both institutions are striving to reach the poorer sectors of the population, especially those located in the provinces of Peru.
  • La Positiva Sanitas has health plans for persons (optional) and for their families, as well as for companies (regular).  The health plans portfolio has allowed it to gradually position itself in the Peruvian market, venturing in the provinces, a market with a demand that continues to be unattended. The SME and Micro and Small Enterprises (Mypes) segment is one of the sales targets of the company, a segment that presently has a major opportunity to grow.
  • Additionally, through the holding, Inversiones en Salud S.A. companies such as Salud Ocupacional Sanitas, in charge of offering occupational safety and health services in the Peruvian market, and the Empresa Prestadora en Servicios de Salud (Health Service Provider Company) that manages our Medical Centers in Lima (Occupational Health) and Arequipa, are penetrating the market.
  • With regard to the year 2013, in 2014, La Positiva Sanitas registered an important increase in its Health, Occupational Life and Disability Insurance (SCTR) Plans and in the System of Private Healthcare Providers (EPS) of 68%, 33% and 4%, respectively.

Corporate Structure of La Positiva Group Companies

La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros

Board of Directors :

  • Chairman of the Board:
    • Juan Manuel Peña Roca
  • Vice Chairman:
    • Manuel Bustamante Olivares
  • Directors:
    • Juan Bustamante Romero
    • Oscar Espinosa Bedoya
    • Carlos Ferreyros Aspillaga
    • Jorge Gruenberg Schneider
    • Rosa Peña Roca
    • Andreas Von Wedemeyer Knigge
  • Alternate Director:
    • Juan Prado Bustamante

Management Staff:

  • General Manager:
    • Gustavo Cerdeña Rodríguez
  • Deputy General Manager:
    • Gustavo Salazar Delgado
  • Deputy General Manager:
    • Roberto Rodrigo Freyre
  • Service Division Manager:
    • Tula Rodríguez de Mazzini
  • Commercial Manager – Lima:
    • Claudio Jorge Vettier
  • Alliances and Mass Channels Manager:
    • Auri Carrasco Eléspuru
  • Technical Manager:
    • Fernando Cáceres Núñez
  • Human Resources Manager:
    • Solange Carneiro García
  • Legal Manager:
    • Eduardo Chávez de Piérola
  • Information Technology Manager:
    • Eduardo Echevarría Mata
  • Administrative and Financial Manager:
    • Víctor Fuentes Gonzales
  • Internal Audit Manager:
    • Jaime Gensollén Revilla
  • Related Businesses and Sureties Manager:
    • Javier de Izcue Bazo
  • Risk Manager:
    • Vicente Marín Bermúdez
  • Loss Manager:
    • Susana Paniagua Jara
  • Regional Manager – North and West:
    • Gemile Urday de Bedoya
  • Regional Manager – South and Center:
    • Tomás Cané Pardo

La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros

Board of Directors:

  • Chairman of the Board:
    • Juan Manuel Peña Roca
  • Vice Chairman:
    • Manuel Bustamante Olivares
  • Directors:
    • Jonathan Callund
    • Oscar Espinosa Bedoya
    • Javier Kutzuma Noda
    • Juan Manuel Peña Henderson
    • Rosa Peña Roca
    • Hernán Ruiz de Somocurcio Escribens
    • Andreas Von Wedemeyer Knigge

Management Staff:

  • General Manager:
    • Juan Manuel Peña Henderson
  • Legal Manager:
    • Rossina Caballero Muñiz
  • Human Resources Manager:
    • María Pía Cabrejos Mazuré
  • Life Annuities Manager:
    • Raúl Fermor Baracco
  • Actuarial Manager:
    • Pedro Fuentes Vergaray
  • Real Estate Manager:
    • Ernesto Montalbetti Osores
  • Marketing Manager:
    • Enrique Morey Lindley
  • Commercial Manager:
    • Francisco Noya Bao
  • Investments Manager:
    • Fernando Rodríguez Marquina
  • Administrative and Financial Manager:
    • Tulio Villavicencio Bazaldúa
  • Information Technology Manager:
    • Eduardo Echevarría Mata
  • General Manager
    La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros

    Gustavo Cerdeña Rodríguez
  • General Manager
    La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros

    Juan Manuel Peña Henderson
  • General Manager
    La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros

    Gustavo Salazar Delgado
  • Deputy General Manager
    La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros

    Roberto Rodrigo Freyre
  • Management Staff La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros

    Eduardo Echevarria Mata
    Tula Rodríguez de Mazzini
    Claudio Jorge Vettier
    Susana Paniagua Jara
    Fernando Cáceres Núñez
  • Management Staff La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros

    Tomás Cané Pardo
    Javier de Izcue Bazo
    Víctor Fuentes Gonzáles
    Auri Carrasco Eléspuru
  • Management Staff La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros

    Eduardo Chávez de Piérola
    Gemile Urday de Bedoya
    Jaime Gensollén Revilla
  • Management Staff Gerentes La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros

    Enrique Morey Lindley
    Pedro Fuentes Vergaray
    Francisco Noya Bao
    Fernando Rodríguez Marquina
  • Management Staff Gerentes La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros

    Raúl Fermor Baracco
    Ernesto Montalbetti Osores
    María Pía Cabrejos Mazuré
    Fernando Barco Gereda
  • Management Staff La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros

    Ricardo Moya Gutiérrez
    Luis Tapia Paredes
    Pilar Quiros Orbegoso
    Gustavo Rivera Gálvez

Corporate Social Responsibility

Since its creation, La Positiva Seguros Group has assumed its commitment with the poorest populations of the country in these 77 years of existence.  In 2014, we have continued with our vision of service on behalf of Peruvian society, through the creation of micro-insurance plans that offer low cost protection and which are marketed in the cities and in the rural areas, aimed at the widespread increase of insurance plans in the country, in addition to the development of agricultural insurance plans and the promotion of education and culture in the Peruvian population.

In the field of micro-insurance and mass insurance, at present there are insurance plans that cover life (for natural and accidental death, indemnity, funeral and monthly income), health (outpatient: payment for hospitalization, illnesses, accidents), unemployment (involuntary dismissal), theft and robbery, fire, automobile and disability due to illness or accident; products that provide protection to the insured population against events that affect their normal flow of income that, in turn, affect the subsistence of the family.  These plans are primarily supplied through financial and micro-financial institutions, retailers and mobile network operators, the challenge for La Positiva Seguros being to venture in non-traditional channels, such as chains of drugstores, stores and gas stations, among others.

Continuing with the work in rural populations, throughout 2014, more than 53,000 farmers with limited resources entered the formal financial system thanks to the opening of savings accounts promoted by La Positiva Seguros to pay the compensations of the Catastrophe Agricultural Insurance (CAI) in four regions: Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Pasco and Puno. Additionally, La Positiva Seguros has agreements with different rural banks, municipalities and cooperatives to facilitate access to the financial system in the different communities and prevent the migration of the rural inhabitants to the large cities which are, in many cases, remote.

Within the context of additional support to subsistence farmers, La Positiva Seguros is disseminating brochures on Good Farming Practices that help the average farmers to address important factors to guarantee the success of their crop.

During this year and thanks to the execution of a cooperation agreement between the Rural Agricultural Productive Development Program (AGRO RURAL) and La Positiva Seguros we have been able to develop and supplement resources, skills, the exchange of know-how, experiences and initiatives, aimed at achieving a greater financial inclusion in the rural population.

In 2014, we have launched the text messaging service for the nationwide rural populations that enable us to inform our customers of the benefits, promotions, payment of indemnities and renewals of our products.

Thanks to the implementation of these initiatives, we were finalists in Business Creativity for promoting the Insurance Culture in Rural Populations.

As part of its other social responsibility actions, La Positiva Seguros took part once more in the “Mathematics for Everyone” program. This program is aimed at inspiring a love for mathematics and strengthening math learning, thus contributing to the intellectual upbringing of children and adolescents and aiding in their personal and social progress. This year, the support of La Positiva Seguros was materialized by the purchase of educational materials such as books and work charts, and by the training workshops held in the schools where the program is being implemented.

In addition, in its activities for the promotion of Peruvian culture, La Positiva Seguros introduced the book “Perú Submarino”, a text that records the diversity of underwater marine species present in the coast of Peru. This book was edited by Apus Graph Ediciones and is a summary of the research carried out by the fisheries biologist, deep-sea diver and photographer of Trujillo, Yuri Hooker Mantilla.  The publication is designed to disseminate new scientific records for Peru on the marine species of our country.

These last two initiatives have a deep cultural and educational approach, with which La Positiva Seguros contributes to the education of the Peruvian population.

Offices and Branches

Lima and El Callao

San Isidro Branch
Javier Prado Este y Francisco Masías Nº 370, San Isidro, Lima

Dean Valdivia Branch
Dean Valdivia N° 175, San Isidro, Lima

Los Olivos Branch
Av. Carlos Izaguirre Nº 464, Los Olivos, Lima

Miraflores Branch
Av. Jorge Chávez N° 154 Of. 201, Miraflores, Lima

San Juan de Lurigancho Branch
Próceres de la Independencia N° 1895 - 1899, San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima

El Callao Special Office
Av. Sáenz Peña N° 184, Callao, Callao

Lince Special Office
Francisco Masías Nº 2811-2815, 2819-2823, Lince, Lima

San Miguel Special Office
Av. La Marina N°3299, Urb. Maranga, 3era etapa, San Miguel, Lima

Surco Special Office
Av. Los Próceres N° 1042-1044, C.C. Penta Mall Los Viñedos Oficina 12B y 13B, Surco, Lima

Santa Anita Special Office
Av. Carretera Central N° 111, C.C. Mall Aventura Plaza Santa Anita, Local LF-10, Ate, Lima

Bellavista Special Office
Av. Oscar R. Benavides N° 3866, Urb. El Aguila, C.C. Mall Aventura Plaza Bellavista, Local C-1012, Bellavista, Callao

Independencia Special Office
Av. Alfredo Mendiola N° 1400, C.C. Plaza Lima Norte, Local CF – 02B, Independencia, Lima


Arequipa Main Office
San Francisco Nº 301, Arequipa, Arequipa

Trujillo Office
Av. Los Angeles N° 407, Urb. California, Trujillo, La Libertad

Iquitos Office
Jr. Yavarí Nº 335 - 363, tiendas 07 y 08, Iquitos, Loreto

Chiclayo Branch
Av. Andrés Avelino Cáceres N° 301, esquina con Av. Sesquicentenario, Urb. Santa Victoria, Chiclayo, Lambayeque
Calle Manuel María Izaga 780-782-784, Chiclayo, Lambayeque

Chimbote Branch
Av. Francisco Bolognesi Nº 364-368, piso 1 y 2, Chimbote, Ancash

Cusco Branch
Lote 04, Manzana G. Urbanización Magisterio, Segunda Etapa – Cusco, Cusco

Huancayo Branch
Jr. Amazonas N° 686, Huancayo, Junín

Huánuco Branch
Jr. Crespo Castillo N° 511-513, Huánuco, Huánuco

Ica Branch
Av. Cutervo Mz. J-04, Lt. 014 - Ica, Ica

Juliaca Branch
N Jr. San Román ° 114, Juliaca, Puno

Piura Branch
Av. Grau 1515, Interior A-2, Piura, Piura

Pucallpa Branch
Jr. Atahualpa N° 780-790, Coronel Portillo, Ucayali

Arequipa Branch
Urbanización Magisterial II, Mz. E, Lt.12, Umacollo, Yanahuara, Arequipa

Ayacucho Branch
Jr. Los Andes N° 121, Huamanga, Ayacucho

Tarapoto Branch
Jr. Gregorio Delgado N° 383, Tarapoto, San Martín

Madre de Dios Branch
Av. Madre de Dios N° 638. Urb. Carlos F. Fitzcarrald, Tambopata, Madre de Dios

Cajamarca Special Office
Jr. Junín N° 836, Cajamarca, Cajamarca

Chimbote Special Office
Av. Francisco Bolognesi N°469, Chimbote, Ancash

Tacna Special Office
Calle Apurímac Nº 201 – Tacna, Tacna

Moquegua Special Office
Esquina Calle Moquegua con Mariscal Nieto N° 802, Ilo, Moquegua

Arequipa Special Office
Av. Ejército N° 101, Oficinas 111, 201 y 202, Edificio Nasya, Yanahuara, Arequipa

Arequipa Special Office
Cooperativa La Cantuta Mz. A, Lt 27, Arequipa, Arequipa

Tacna Special Office
Calle Apurímac Nº 209 – Tacna, Tacna

Trujillo Special Office
Av. 28 de julio N° 130 – 132, Trujillo, Trujillo